In short this blog would not have been started if it weren't for naima the intern whose wish was to see the infamous triangular trio start a blog. Since we spent practically all day discussing the ultra fabulous bajan princess from the land of chrianna and her servant sir pink panties we figured to just go ahead and just make a blog. We do not know where this blog will end up in the next few days, months or even year we're honestly just trying a thing. Basically the triangular trio is just here to share their opinions on matters that we see through out the day. Just like everyone else we have something to say - and we will say it. All things here is just our opinions and it is just that, you can hop on the boat and just tag along on the journey with us (we promise it will be ubers of fun K) or well ...well you can just i don't know exit [bey]to the left to the left[/bey].

anyways the intro was running a tad bit long. so in short this blog is here to report on things that be going on and stuff in hollywierd - or is it hollyhood- whichever one you choose.

the triangular trio
-king kreole
-&the other one


  1. Nai. says

    LOL ahhhahaha, the other one though? dang, they did you wrong moan.

    s.monique says


    Angie says

    ohh hell no. where ma name iz?!

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